Focus Groups

Building an Ecosystem of cyber conscious Community
Immigrants (vector)


For vulnerable immigrants to be protected from internet threats and scams, cybersecurity awareness is essential. Particularly those who are new to a nation, immigrants might not be familiar with regional online dangers and safety precautions. The following factors should be taken into account while educating vulnerable immigrant communities about cybersecurity:


Multilingual Educational Resources:


To guarantee that information is available to immigrants who might not be fluent in the local tongue, provide cybersecurity awareness materials in different languages.


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Child being guided to use the internet (vector)


Children's understanding of cybersecurity in order to protect them online. Tactics to keep in mind.


Knowledge and Consciousness:

Teach kids about online dangers, secure internet usage, and the value of privacy through age-appropriate cybersecurity education.

Make cybersecurity education entertaining for kids by utilising interactive and captivating techniques.


Parental Participation:

Inform parents and guardians of the possible dangers associated with the internet and the value of keeping an eye on and directing their kids' online activity.

Encourage parents and kids to have honest conversations about their internet experiences.

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Elderly people using the internet (vector)


Provide basic cybersecurity workshops or training sessions that are suited to the needs and worries of vulnerable adults.

    Talk about things like identifying phishing emails, making secure passwords, and safeguarding personal data when using the internet.

Hold interactive workshops or escape rooms with a cyber theme where participants must work through cybersecurity-related puzzles in order to "escape" or move on to the next round. Through this engaging and enjoyable hands-on activity, participants can learn about various cyber hazards and protective strategies.

Simple-to-Read Materials:
    Make brief, understandable booklets, brochures, or infographics that outline prevalent internet hazards and provide advice on staying safe.
    To communicate crucial information, use simple language and eye-catching graphics.

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